Recruitment Notification Archive

Sr. No. Title Download/Details End Date
81 Ad for CEOs of AIASL, AIESL and Alliance Air (internal candidates) Download(381.93 KB)Ad for CEOs of AIASL, AIESL and Alliance Air (internal candidates) 03-05-2021
82 Hiring of services of 01 Young Professional on contract basis for a period of one year Download(3.22 MB)Hiring of services of 01 Young Professional on contract basis for a period of one year 29-04-2021
83 Hiring of Young Professional by M/o Civil Aviation for the work related to the Vigilance Division Download(1.13 MB)Hiring of Young Professional by M/o Civil Aviation for the work related to the Vigilance Division 15-04-2021
84 Vacancy Circular for the posts of Office Superintendent (OS) and Upper Division Clerk (UDC) Download(631.74 KB)Vacancy Circular for the posts of Office Superintendent (OS) and Upper Division Clerk (UDC) 04-03-2021
85 Hiring of Young Professional by M/o Civil Aviation for the work related to the Integrated Finance Division Download(103.28 KB)Hiring of Young Professional by M/o Civil Aviation for the work related to the Integrated Finance Division 17-03-2021
86 Advertisement for one Post of Member, Airports Economic Regulatory Authority (AERA) Download(1.18 MB)Advertisement for one Post of Member, Airports Economic Regulatory Authority (AERA) 28-02-2021
87 Recruitment of executives by AAI through GATE 2019 under Advt. No 3/2020 Download(760.2 KB)Recruitment of executives by AAI through GATE 2019 under Advt. No 3/2020 02-09-2020
88 Advertisement for the post of Young Professional in Ministry of Civil Aviation Download(149.28 KB)Advertisement for the post of Young Professional in Ministry of Civil Aviation 17-08-2020
89 Advertisement for the one Post of Member, Airports Economic Regulatory Authority (AERA) Download(636.61 KB)Advertisement for the one Post of Member, Airports Economic Regulatory Authority (AERA) 18-06-2020
90 Extension of deadline for applications for the post of Vice Chancellor, RGNAU to 1 June 2020 Download(92.48 KB)Extension of deadline for applications for the post of Vice Chancellor, RGNAU to 1 June 2020 01-06-2020
91 Advertisement for the post of Vice Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi National Aviation University, Amethi (U.P.) Download(97.44 KB)Advertisement for the post of Vice Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi National Aviation University, Amethi (U.P.) 15-04-2020
92 Recruitment of 02 Young Professionals In ER Division, Ministry of Civil Aviation Download(318.94 KB)Recruitment of 02 Young Professionals In ER Division, Ministry of Civil Aviation 22-02-2020
93 Engagement of Young Professional by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India for the work related to Integrated Finance Division Download(916.52 KB)Engagement of Young Professional by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India for the work related to Integrated Finance Division 17-01-2020
94 Advertisement for the post of Director (Operations) in Air India Limited Download(376.3 KB)Advertisement for the post of Director (Operations) in Air India Limited 23-03-2020
95 Advertisement for the post of Director (Commercial) in Air India Limited Download(376.5 KB)Advertisement for the post of Director (Commercial) in Air India Limited 23-03-2020
96 Advertisement for the post of Director (Personnel) in Air India Limited Download(376.56 KB)Advertisement for the post of Director (Personnel) in Air India Limited 23-03-2020
97 Advertisement for the post of Consultant in Ministry of Civil Aviation Download(399.25 KB)Advertisement for the post of Consultant in Ministry of Civil Aviation 24-12-2019
98 Advertisement for the post of Young Professional in Ministry of Civil Aviation Download(383.23 KB)Advertisement for the post of Young Professional in Ministry of Civil Aviation 24-12-2019
99 Hiring of services of two Young Professionals on Contract basis initially for a period of one year and maximum extendable upto three yeals on performance and requirement basis Download(67.88 KB)Hiring of services of two Young Professionals on Contract basis initially for a period of one year and maximum extendable upto three yeals on performance and requirement basis 27-12-2019
100 Advertisement for the post of Secretary in AERA Download(120.55 KB)Advertisement for the post of Secretary in AERA 07-12-2019