Recruitment Notification Archive

Sr. No. Title Download/Details End Date
1 Engagement of 03 Young Professionals by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India for the work relating to Integrated Finance Division. Download(691.89 KB)Engagement of 03 Young Professionals by the Ministry of Civil  Aviation, Government of India for the work relating to Integrated Finance Division. 01-03-2025
2 Extension of last date for submission of applications - reg. Download(1.3 MB)Extension of last date for submission of applications - reg. 03-02-2025
3 Filling up of vacant post of Senior Inspector (Tech.) in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, Southern Circle, Bengaluru on deputation basis Download(6.69 MB)Filling up of vacant post of Senior Inspector (Tech.) in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, Southern Circle, Bengaluru on deputation basis 11-03-2025
4 Hiring of Services of two (02) Young Professionals in the Administration Division in the Ministry of Civil Aviation -reg. Download(186.28 KB)Hiring of Services of two (02) Young Professionals in the Administration Division in the Ministry of Civil Aviation -reg. 23-01-2025
5 Filling up of JDG in BCAS in Level 14 in the Pay Matrix on deputation basis Download(1.21 MB) Filling up of JDG in BCAS in Level 14 in the Pay Matrix on deputation basis 20-02-2025
6 Filling up of posts vacant in Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India (AERA) on deputation basis - reg. Download(2.91 MB)Filling up of posts vacant in Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India (AERA) on deputation basis - reg. 19-01-2025
7 Filling up of vacant post of Senior Private Secretary (Sr. PS) in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, Central Circle, Mumbai on deputation basis. Download(2.67 MB)Filling up of vacant post of Senior Private Secretary (Sr. PS)  in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, Central Circle, Mumbai on deputation basis. 08-02-2025
8 Invitation applications for recruitment of two Young Professionals in the SDIT Division, Ministry of Civil Aviation Download(1.22 MB)Invitation applications for recruitment of two Young Professionals in the SDIT Division, Ministry of Civil Aviation 10-12-2024
9 Filling up of vacant post of Senior Private Secretary (Sr. PS) in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, Eastern Circle, Kolkata on deputation basis Download(789.42 KB)Filling up of vacant post of Senior Private Secretary (Sr. PS)  in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, Eastern Circle, Kolkata on deputation basis 06-12-2024
10 Appointment for the post of Chairman & Managing Director, AI Assets Holding Limited Download(195.76 KB)Appointment for the post of Chairman & Managing Director, AI Assets Holding Limited 22-08-2024
11 Invitation of applications for recruitment of 04 Young Professionals in the Ministry of Civil Aviation Download(2.28 MB)Invitation of applications for recruitment of 04 Young Professionals in the Ministry of Civil Aviation 30-08-2024
12 Filling up of vacant post of Senior Inspector (Tech) in O/o Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety and Commissioner of Metro Railway Safety in New Delhi on deputation basis - reg. Download(1.23 MB)Filling up of vacant post of Senior Inspector (Tech) in O/o Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety and Commissioner of Metro Railway Safety in New Delhi on deputation basis - reg. 09-10-2024
13 Advertisement for the post of Director, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi (IGRUA) Download(577.48 KB)Advertisement for the post of Director, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi (IGRUA) 10-09-2024
14 Filling up of various vacant posts in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, South Central Circle, Secunderabad on deputation basis - reg. Download(4.93 MB)Filling up of various vacant posts in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, South Central Circle, Secunderabad on deputation basis - reg. 21-08-2024
15 Filling up of vacant post of Sr. Private Secretary in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, Eastern Circle, Kolkata on deputation basis - reg. Download(2.69 MB)Filling up of vacant post of Sr. Private Secretary in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, Eastern Circle, Kolkata on deputation basis - reg. 21-08-2024
16 Advertisement for walk-in Interview for the post of Manager Finance & Accounts (On Contract) Download(218.06 KB)Advertisement for walk-in Interview for the post of Manager Finance & Accounts (On Contract) 30-06-2024
17 Advertisement for walk-in Interview for the post of Consultant Finance (On Contract) Download(210.73 KB)Advertisement for walk-in Interview for the post of Consultant Finance (On Contract) 30-06-2024
18 Filling up of the post of JDG in BCAS in Level-14 in the Pay Matrix on Deputation Basis - reg Download(1.24 MB)Filling up of the post of JDG in BCAS in Level-14 in the Pay Matrix on Deputation Basis - reg 29-07-2024
19 Publication of advertisement regarding hiring of services of (03) Young Professionals to be engaged in the Agreement Division in the Ministry of Civil Aviation. Download(1.6 MB)Publication of advertisement regarding hiring of services of (03) Young Professionals to be engaged in the Agreement Division in the Ministry of Civil Aviation. 18-06-2024
20 Filling up of vacant post of Sr. Private Secretary in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, Southern Circle, Bengaluru. Download(1.09 MB)Filling up of vacant post of Sr. Private Secretary in O/o Commissioner of Railway Safety, Southern Circle, Bengaluru. 24-07-2024